
Which Correctly Lists The Steps In The Prewriting Process For Writing A Description?



id say probably the last choice

one you got to consider ok is they a young or an old audience

two you got to gather details that would get them interested in your writing

three you got to write a draft

so yes id day the last option Consider your audience and purpose; gather details; choose a topic; and write a draft. would be the best choice


Choose a topic; narrow the topic; consider your audience and purpose; and gather details


Choose a topic. You should know what you would like to write about.Then , you should decide the reason why you would like to write about that topic. In fact, you should say what it is that you would say about the general topic.Picturing in mind the audience will help you set your purpose. For example, Will you write for mothers interested in the education of their toddlers? Will you help them choose a good nursery school?Once you have set the previous steps, you can gather the necessary information about your narrowed topic; for your audience ;and for your purpose.



I believe the answer is the last choice. "Choose a topic; gather details; write an outline; write a draft; and consider your audience and purpose."


The option that correctly lists the steps in the prewriting process for writing a description is C. First of all, you should choose the topic and then narrow it for the description not to be too broad. Then, you should consider the audience and purpose since this also will help you limit the amount of information you are about to include. Also, this step will be important to determine what should be included and what should be left aside. Finally, you should gather the details.


Choose a topic, narrow the topic, consider your audience and purpose, and gather details.


Its c not b ok give brainliest please

Which Correctly Lists The Steps In The Prewriting Process For Writing A Description?


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